Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Just a sec you have a feather in your hair"

About 6 months ago my nieces told me their mom had put feathers in her hair. I couldn't picture it . Then I ran into a girl at the dog park whom had a black and blue feather the width of a pencil in her hair. It looked good. It looked interesting, and made me want to go and get my own. When I started thinking about the need or idea to put these feathers into my hair I thought of why? It's cool. It's tribal. Maybe it's  cell memory in our cave woman years, when we dolled up for a Neanderthal. Who would ever guess. I'm not sure where this trend began, I'll  have to find out, it wants just stories. Later in the tday when we went to the vet, sure enough one of the young sweeties that works at the vet, had her own hair color feathers. They were beautiful in her long blondie hair. She said when she had first gone to get them, the store didn't  have as much selection. Now they have more so she wants more. Both fashioners were babies, there is no age. The women with the white feathers is as lovely as the others. I am going to get some, dark I have dark brown reddish hair. So, red, for sure. Maybe violet.
 The Chickens whom produce these feathers are in high demand. Out of respect for the chicken, the owner does not eat the chicken. OK. There is a shortage of these feathers because of the new "trend."
It does make me feel tribal, a strong, knowning, smart, part of the fashion pack. Like big shoulders in jackets, hats, anything that makes you stick out, it gets you noticed. It is a sign I am different contrary to the tribal feel that is never stated. Do women like women? Can we be a tribe? Without who has the better wardrobe.

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